Recently, I watched a videorecording which I borrowed from LCC library. It is a programme that BBC broadcast in 2008. It is about advertisements of cigarettes and alcohol in UK.
Some advertisements of cigarettes were analysized in this film. TV advertising of promoting cigarettes came out in 1955. Before the govenment of UK banned the advertising and promotion of tabacco, the advertisements of cigarette played an important role of persuading people to smoke. And these advertisements were full of persuasion, especially the advertisements of a cigar called 'Hamlet', which concentrated on happiness that cigar would bring to people. In fact, this point is important even today. People choose to smoke even they know smoking is bad for their health. Sometimes, happiness is the most important in our life.
So what can make people think smoking is not suitable for them? What about time? Or space? Or environment? I should try to understand what are smokers thinking about the relationship between smoking and their life (e.g. time).