15 May 2011

Happening – Memory

I use a series of photos to make a flash. These photos I took at a crossroad near London Bridge. If I put them on the surface according to priority, they look like a moving film. However, I made them a flash, a digital way.

Of course, this method is not special, but it is interesting. In 1887, the technique of camera was not so advanced as today. Eadweard Muybridge used his camera to take many pictures to make his work ‘Cockatoo, flying, plate’. These works are amazing. The photos present every details of a happening thing.

My idea has a little similar with Eadweard Muybridge’s work. However, I do not just want to express a happening thing. I made every photo in different sizes and transparencies to express some feelings of our memory. The first picture is the biggest, but is has the least transparency. The last one is the minimum, but it is clearest. You just want to remember something, but this thing is always ‘running’.

I also did a physical work with these photos. It has different feelings. Maybe I can took a photo of it, but it is hark to ‘stand up’. However, I will take it to my unit 1 assessment.

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